In this Post I would like to describe the relationship between AI and cloud computing and their future.
What is cloud computing?
Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the internet. These services are divided into three main categories or types of cloud computing: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS).
Types of cloud
A cloud can be private or public. A public cloud sells services to anyone on the internet. A private cloud is a proprietary network or a data center that supplies hosted services to a limited number of people, with certain access and permissions settings. Private or public, the goal of cloud computing is to provide easy, scalable access to computing resources and IT services.

Cloud Infra
Cloud infrastructure involves the hardware and software components required for proper implementation of a cloud computing model. Cloud computing can also be thought of as utility computing or on-demand computing.
AI Role
Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Some of the activities computers with artificial intelligence are designed for include:
Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You typically pay only for cloud services you use, helping lower your operating costs, run your infrastructure more efficiently and scale as your business needs change.

Nowadays, we are used to intelligent assistants like Cortana, Siri, Alexa and Google Assistant. AI and cloud fusion in the future will be possible During this fusion the many, disparate servers which are part of cloud technology hold the data which an AI can access and use to make decisions and learn things like how to hold a conversation.
But as the AI learns this, it can impart this new data back to the cloud, which can thus help other AIs learn as well. During that era AI with the cloud, the power consumption, operational cost and latencies reduced and the capability of treating a number of data, nodes and intelligence will improve. In other words clouds trained themselves and act more wisely many more advancements are yet to come.
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