Cracking Password of Wi-fi using Python.

Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be used to create a variety of different programs and isn’t specialized for any specific problems.

Python for Everyone (A to Z)
Python for Everyone (A to Z)
Python is widely considered among the easiest programming languages for beginners to learn. If you’re interested in learning a programming language, Python is a good place to start. It’s also one of the most widely used.
Control the brightness of any Smart Device Using Python
Control the brightness of any Smart Device Using Python
  • Web Development. Python can be used to make web-applications at a rapid rate. …
  • Game Development. Python is also used in the development of interactive games. …
  • Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. …
  • Data Science and Data Visualization. …
  • Desktop GUI. …
  • Web Scraping Applications. …
  • Business Applications. …
  • CAD Applications.
Overall Python is better than C++ in terms of its simplicity and easy syntax. But C++ is better in terms of performance, speed, vast application areas, etc.

 Python can open the gates for a sea of job opportunities, some of which are listed below.

  • Python Developer. …
  • Software Engineer. …
  • Data Scientist. …
  • Quality Assurance Engineer. …
  • Data Analyst. …
  • Machine Learning Engineer. …
  • Product Manager. …
  • Educator.
Control the brightness of any Smart Device Using Python
Control the brightness of any Smart Device Using Python
Python and Java are two of the most popular and robust programming languages. Java is generally faster and more efficient than Python because it is a compiled language. As an interpreted language, Python has simpler, more concise syntax than Java. It can perform the same function as Java in fewer lines of code.
Disadvantages of Python are:
  • Speed. Python is slower than C or C++. …
  • Mobile Development. Python is not a very good language for mobile development . …
  • Memory Consumption. Python is not a good choice for memory intensive tasks. …
  • Database Access. Python has limitations with database access . …
  • Runtime Errors.

Can I earn money with Python?

You can become a Python freelancer and earn a living from that. You can take projects from local clients and work as a consultant or you can work as a freelancer using online platforms. There are various platforms available for freelancing like Upwork and Freelancer.

We are all familiar with this situation: You finally get your WiFi hooked up and you receive a long network name and password of jumbled letters, numbers and symbols. You’ll never remember it, so you decide to change it to something more memorable.

While that’s not the wrong thing to do, there’s a good reason that the password is difficult to remember in the first place—it’s a strong one. So, before changing the password to something personal or much easier to figure out, consider these reasons why you should keep the long and strong password:

People can perform illegal activities on your network.

If you are connected to the internet, you are at risk of being hacked. We all are. But what happens when someone gets into your network and does something illegal from it? Big problem.

If someone is able to break into your network and do something illegal, you as the network owner are responsible for that activity unless you can prove that it wasn’t you—which is difficult to do.

Keeping your network as secure as possible is the best way to prevent this from happening to you, so make sure your passwords are strong.

People can access your files.

If someone is able to easily get into your home wireless network, then they can easily get access to your local files. This means access to sensitive and private information.

To prevent this, make sure that your WiFi password is a strong one. Another best practice is to also disable network file sharing on your device so that this cannot occur in the first place.

People can use up all of your bandwidth.

Lastly, remember that your bandwidth is limited! If people are able to easily access your WiFi network, then that means a bunch of people are using your internet at the same time as you are. The results are slow download or streaming speeds, and you can even be charged extra for the month depending on your carrier and plan.

So, there are many reasons to keep your WiFi network as secure as possible. Not only will a secure network keep your privacy in check, but also can prevent the frustrations of slow internet and extra bills each month.

Research Project

Cracking Password of Wi-fi using Python.

This is one of the innovative projects one can crack the password of Wi-fi very quickly. Can be used in a variety of ways and can be used in Ethical Hacking. you can easily find your Wi-fi password if forgotten.

You can also help your friends and relatives if they have problems with Wi-Fi Passwords

In case you are new to python, you can join our mini-course at

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